Data Options

ABC Company

101 Main St,

Suite 500

New York, NY, 10001

At a Glance - Fiber Options


$0 Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Managed Router Included

Direct Carrier (not reselling)

100 MB $299

250 MB $500

20 MB $501

50 MB $581

20 MB $500.82

50 MB $580.91

50 MB $416

At a Glance - Shared Backup Options


Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Month to Month Term

Direct Carrier (not reselling)

50 MB x 50 MB $50


100 MB x 20 MB $60


100 MB x 100 MB $75


300 MB x 300 MB $90


1 Gig x 1 Gig $150


At a Glance - Voice Options


Up Front Cost

Handsets (Phone Hardware) Included







At a Glance - LTE / 4g Backup Options


$0 Up Front Cost

AT&T Underlying Carrier

1Gig Pooled LTE $21.95

$35 NRC

3 MB $105

8 MB $130

Fiber Options At a Glance

100 MB $299

250 MB $500

$0 Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Managed Router Included

Direct Carrier (Not reselling)

20 MB $500.82

50 MB $580.91

$0 Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Managed Router Included

Direct Carrier (Not reselling)

20 MB $501

50 MB $581

$0 Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

50 MB $416

Direct Carrier (Not reselling)

Shared Options At a Glance

50 MB x 50 MB $50

100 MB x 20 MB $60

100 MB x 100 MB $75

300 MB x 300 MB $90

1 Gig x 1 Gig $150

$99 Up Front Cost

Static IPs start at $15 per month

Direct Carrier (Not reselling)

LTE / 4G Options At a Glance

1Gig Pooled LTE $21.95

$35 Up Front Cost


AT&T Underlying Carrier

3 MB $105
8 MB $130

$0 Up Front Cost


AT&T Underlying Carrier

Coax Options -
Farmer's Branch

Vision Commercial 

2242 Forest Park Blvd

Fort Worth, TX  76110

At a Glance - Coax Backup Options


Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Month to Month Term

Direct Carrier (not reselling)

200 MB x 10 MB $64.99

600 MB x 35 MB $114.99

1 Gig x 35 MB $249.99


Coax Options At a Glance

200 MB x 10 MB $64.99
600 MB x 35 MB $114.99
1 Gig x 35 MB $249.99

$99.99 Up Front Cost

Month to Month Term

18 MB x 1.5 MB $60
24 MB x 3.0 MB $40
25 MB x 5.0 MB $40

$99 Up Front Cost

Spectrum Options
200 MB x 10 MB $155.95
600 MB x 35 MB $230.95
1 Gig x 35 MB $475.95

AT&T Options
200 MB x 200 MB $165.95
500 MB x 500 MB $205.95
1 Gig x 1 Gig $225.95

$0 Up Front Cost


Static IP Included


Reselling AT&T & Spectrum Options

Coax Options -
Fort Worth

Vision Commercial 

4001 McEwen Rd, Suite 445

Farmers Branch, TX 75244

At a Glance - Coax Backup Options


Up Front Cost

Static IP Included

Month to Month Term

Direct Carrier (not reselling)

200 MB x 10 MB $64.99

600 MB x 35 MB $114.99

1 Gig x 35 MB $249.99


18 MB x 1.5 MB $60

24 MB x 3.0 MB $40

25 MB x 5.0 MB $40


Coax Options At a Glance

200 MB x 10 MB $64.99
600 MB x 35 MB $114.99
1 Gig x 35 MB $249.99

$99.99 Up Front Cost


Month to Month Term

Spectrum Options
200 MB x 10 MB $155.95
600 MB x 35 MB $230.95
1 Gig x 35 MB $475.95

AT&T Options
200 MB x 200 MB $165.95
500 MB x 500 MB $205.95
1 Gig x 1 Gig $225.95

$0 Up Front Cost


Static IP Included


Reselling AT&T & Spectrum Options

Quick Tour

There’s a lot of info here – we’ve prepared this quick video to make it easy – at anytime feel free to book a call at the bottom of the page if you’d like us to help further.  You can also do live chat.

Quoted Bandwidth Price

Last Mile Provider: Logix/Fiber
$299 Monthly

$0 One Time

Last Mile Provider: Logix/Fiber

$500 Monthly

$0 One Time


100Meg is Logix minimum offer. MRC Includes: 1 Static IP. 

Optional Additional MRC:
/29 5 IPs $10, /28 13 IPs $50,
/27 32 IPs $75, /26 64 IPs $125.

The Corporate Sales Pitch (saving you an hour of boring sales meeting time):

Headquartered in Texas
Founded in 1983
25,000+ on-net and near-net buildings in footprint
285,000 fiber miles, 6,800 route miles
100+ on-net data centers

Services Sold
LOGIX provides a broad range of flexible business internet, phone, and data center options, from
simple to very complex configurations
Dedicated Internet – LOGIX Business Internet uses diverse Tier-1 Internet peering points and a range
of symmetrical speeds up to 10 GB to deliver fast and reliable Internet connectivity.
Private Ethernet – LOGIX Business Ethernet enables companies to utilize MEF 2.0 certified ethernet
services to obtain low-latency, highly available connectivity for business-critical site to site voice and
data applications.
Hosted Voice – LOGIX Business Voice Cloud delivers a feature-rich unified communications
experience backed by a carrier-grade network and data center redundancy enabling mobility, device
flexibility, and scalability. Voice Services – LOGIX Business Voice offers a full range of connection
types including analog, PRI, and SIP Trunking – all provided via fiber-based network delivery of
Direct Cloud Connect – LOGIX Cloud Connect provides private, secure, and reliable network
connections to leading cloud service providers, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure,
Google Cloud Platform, and others.
Data Center Colocation – Highly reliable, secure, and scalable solutions for housing business-critical
IT infrastructure with facilities in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Austin. Wavelength – LOGIX
Business Wavelength is a robust, high-bandwidth solution for securely connecting data center and
enterprise locations at dedicated speeds up to 100 GB

Elevator Pitch
LOGIX is the largest fiber network provider in Texas. LOGIX provides business networking solutions
better than competitors because it can nimbly offer flexible connectivity options, a built-for-business
fiber network for reliability, and exceptional customer care and service from local employees.


Notes in Plain English:

Good offering overall from Logix – Fiber is very much based on who’s network is closest to the building. Logix seems to have the upper hand here.  There are rarely gimmicks with fast speeds for lower prices, it’s usually just because they’re closer or have some nearby clients you’ll help them reach by getting their network expanded.

 Logix’s weakness is coverage in other states – you shouldn’t have that problem in this area.

Quoted Bandwidth Price

Last Mile Provider: Spectrum Fiber
$993 Monthly

$0 One Time

Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$1,123 Monthly

$0 One Time

Fiber Services

3 Year Term.
MRC includes managed router.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
100MB x 100MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$106 Monthly

$0 One Time
300MB x 300MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$123 Monthly

$0 One Time
500MB x 500MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$185 Monthly

$0 One Time
1 Gig x 1 Gig
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$193 Monthly

$0 One Time

Broadband Services

3 Year Term.
AT&T ABF: Shared Fiber.
Additional MRC:
Can add managed router for $40 MRC 300M-1G & $35 MRC 100M.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
Underlying Carrier: AT&T LTE Network
$105 Monthly

$0 One Time
Underlying Carrier: AT&T LTE Network
$130 Monthly

$0 One Time

LTE / 4G Services

3 Year Term.
MRC Includes: Includes: BEC, Static IP and SIM Card

Notes in Plain English:

Most people wonder why Airespring is so successful when their pricing is so much higher.  Their main value is having everything under one umbrella. One bill, one customer care department.  For a single site this value is greatly diminished – but keep in mind all three services can be handled by them, and they have a fantastic reputation.  

We would not be surprised if this was a pass though, as most of the value they provide will be unrealized in your situation.  

Quoted Bandwidth Price

Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$1330 Monthly

$0 One Time

Fiber Services

3 Year Term.
2 Static IP’s included in MRC.
The rates and charges reflected above do not include any federal, state or local taxes, fees and assessments, other regulatory charges, or federal or state USF program charges.
This quote is valid for 30 days.

Add-on Options:
Cisco ISR C1111 MRC $45, Managed Equipment FeeMRC $5.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
200MB x 10MB
Last Mile Provider: Spectrum Coax
$155.95 Monthly

$0 One Time
600MB x 35MB
Last Mile Provider: Spectrum Coax
$230.95 Monthly

$0 One Time
1 Gig x 35MB
Last Mile Provider: Spectrum Coax
$475.95 Monthly

$0 One Time
200MB x 200MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$165.95 Monthly

$0 One Time
500MB x 500MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$205.95 Monthly

$0 One Time
1 Gig x 1 Gig
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$225.95 Monthly

$0 One Time

Broadband Services

3 Year Term.
Spectrum : 1 Static IP included in MRC.
Survey needed to confirm Spectrum serviceability & is launched once order placed.
The rates and charges reflected above do not include any federal, state or local taxes, fees and assessments, other regulatory charges, or federal or state USF program charges.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
1 Gig
Underlying Carrier: AT&T LTE Network (Pooled)
$21.95 Monthly

$0 One Time

LTE / 4G Services

3 Year Term. 

1 Static IP included in MRC. 

The rates and charges reflected above do not include any federal, state or local taxes, fees and assessments, other regulatory charges, or federal or state USF program charges.

Notes in Plain English:

BCN is another aggregator who built their reputation as a single source for complex solutions.  Similar to other aggregators, their value is severely diminished for single site situations such as this one.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
20MB x 20MB
Last Mile Provider: Lumen
$331.10 Monthly

$0 One-Time
50MB x 50MB
Last Mile Provider: Lumen
$449.81 Monthly

$0 One-Time
100 MB x 100 MB
Last Mile Provider: Lumen
$541.90 Monthly

$0 One-Time

Broadband Services

Router Not Included
Building Extension Not Included
Static IP’s Included

LEC: On Net Lumen

Notes in Plain English:

Luman may not have a familiar name, but it was recently rebranded from Centurylink, a legacy company from one of the “Baby Bells” when AT&T was deregulated in the 80’s.  Lumen is one of the 5 largest fiber carriers nationally.  

Note their internet option does not include a Router – this is ok because you’ll be adding the SD WAN router for security and failover if you choose this option. 

For a fiber option, this is priced better than the competitors because they happen to already be in your building.  It isn’t an inferior service in any way – someone else has already paid to get the cable in the building.

FIBER: Quoted Bandwidth Price
20MB x 20MB
Last Mile Provider: Frontier
$380 Monthly 3yr

$340 Monthly 5yr

$0 One Time
50MB x 50MB
Last Mile Provider: Frontier
$550 Monthly 3yr

$450 Monthly 5yr

$0 One Time
100MB x 100MB
Last Mile Provider: Frontier
$800 Monthly 3yr

$690 Monthly 5yr

$0 One Time

Fiber Services

Add managed router for $50 MRC.
Quotes are valid for 30 days,
Ethernet 50M & under may be provisioned Comments: on copper or fiber/SLA is the same.

Shared Connection: Quoted Bandwidth Price
700MB x 700MB

Last Mile Provider: Frontier
$89.99 Monthly

$0 One Time
1 Gig x 1 Gig

Last Mile Provider: Frontier
$149.99 Monthly

$0 One Time

Broadband Services


Term: 25+ Months (No Increase). NRC $95 Waived.
2 Year Price Guarantee with no ETF.
Additional MRC:
Static IP blocks (not stackable)
1ips – $5.00, 5ips – $25.00, 13ips – $55.00
29ips – $80.00, 61ips – $120.00.
Business Security Pro Bundle (optional add on)
The following bundles are available as an optional add on for 24 months free! ($12 per month starting month 25).


Notes in Plain English:

Frontier is the “original carrier” for your area – If the name is unfamiliar to you, they purchased the Verizon residential network a few years ago.  Their fiber is in your building already and they can provide both fiber and “shared” services – keep in mind, this typically means that a single cable services the building, so if redundancy is your goal it would make more sense to just choose one of their options combined with another carrier.

Their shared bandwidth options are fantastic and priced well below the market norm.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
20 MB

Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$501 Monthly

$0 One Time
50 MB

Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$581 Monthly

$0 One Time

Fiber Services

Router not included. 2&3 Year; Same Pricing.

NRC Waived.
MRC reflects promotion pricing; subject to change.
MRC includes /29 or /30 Static IP.
Vendor: SBC. Service location is expected to qualify for shortened installation interval with Fiber Fast (FF). Eligibility is confirmed during order processing. Shortened order interval can be as soon as 10 business days after ACC Business contract countersign.

The Corporate Sales Pitch (saving you an hour of boring sales meeting time):

ACC Business is a specialized brand from AT&T that offers an essential suite of products utilizing the superior quality of the AT&T Global Network. ACC Business offers targeted services such as AVPN,
Ethernet services, Dedicated Internet connectivity, (T1.5-10 G) and Network Based Firewall Services
that give customers the essential telecom and network features they require.

Services Sold
Direct Internet Access ADI
Ethernet services
Layer 2 and 3 networking
Network Based Firewalls
Private Line Services
Various voice Services
Failover and Redundancy options

Key Features and Differentiators
Superb AT&T Network, Security, Scalability, Stability of carrier
NO DIRECT sales force
ACC Business wants customer relationship managed by Agent who brought the customer to
ACC Business
Consistently ACCurate Customer Billing
Customer Care and Maintenance teams, 24X7, Rochester, NY
Service available throughout the US and the entire world, with best access pricing where AT&T
is the LEC

Ideal Customer Profile
Healthcare Markets
Financial Institutions

Notes in Plain English:

ACC Business is a company that built their reputation on dealing with the complexities of how the machine works – in ACC Business’ case, the machine is AT&T.  

For complex networks, they provide a ton of value.  Most companies won’t see that with a single site, however, which is why on paper they can seem overpriced.  When replacing multiple project managers and internal staff, the numbers make a lot more sense.  We don’t see it here as a perfect fit in your situation.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
50 MB

Last Mile Provider: Zayo
$416 Monthly

$750 One Time

Fiber Services

Router not included. Estimated Install Interval: 45 days.
In Building Charges, Conduit, Cross Connect, Riser all customers responsbility.
Quote-8517609. DIA, Term: 3 Years.
Pricing on this Quote expires 3/12/2022.

The Corporate Sales Pitch (saving you an hour of boring sales meeting time):


Zayo was founded in 2007 in response to favorable technology trends driving the demand for bandwidth infrastructure. The company has evolved through organic growth and network acquisitions to become an innovative global bandwidth infrastructure services provider. Leading firms leverage its fiber network and carrier-neutral colocation facilities at 16,000 locations across the United States and Europe.

Services Sold
Physical Infrastructure
Colocation & Interconnections: Presence in 43 data centers in major markets and carrier-neutral access to domestic and international networks, with redundant fiber connections
Dark Fiber: Virtually unlimited bandwidth with a single pair of fibers on existing Zayo fiber infrastructure and customer-driven new construction
Mobile Infrastructure: Backhaul, small cells and DAS on a dense network connected to cell towers, small cells, mobile switching centers and central offices
Cloud and Connectivity
Cloud: Cloud, hosting and managed services, enabling on-demand scaling and virtual computing in hybrid environments
Ethernet: Options for E-LINE, E-LAN or Private Dedicated Network, with speeds of 10 Mbps-100 Gbps, reserved bandwidth availability and multiple interface options
IP Services: Tier-1 IP backbone, ranked 5th for global peering, is connected to Zayo’s global fiber network and provides services of 10 Mbps-100 Gbps through IP Transit, Dedicated Internet Access and IP-VPN
Live Video: Transport of real-time, contributions-quality video, audio and data over Zayo’s Live Video Network, providing low latency and 100% QoS
SONET: Transport services from DS3-OC192 in point-to-point

Elevator Pitch
Zayo is a global bandwidth infrastructure provider. Zayo’s network serves eight countries and 46 states, plus Washington D.C. The network connects the largest U.S. and European cities, as well as many Tier 2-5 U.S. markets. Zayo’s network reaches over 17,400 buildings, including 827 data centers, 488 carrier POPs, and over 10,500 enterprise buildings. Zayo also has 503,000 finished billable square feet of colocation and interconnection space.

Key Features and Differentiators

Fiber-Based Services
Unlimited scalable bandwidth available in the metro and on intercity routes. Tier 1 IP network with settlement-free peering. Options for physical security. 24/7 NOC.

Global Ethernet and IP Reach
72,800 route miles and 5.1 M fiber miles. 283 markets in 7 countries, 45 states, and
Washington, D.C.

Extensive Connectivity
11,800 on-net buildings. 550 carrier hotels/data centers. 513 carrier POPs. 3,000 cell towers.
6,000 enterprise buildings. Diversity to the LEC.

Colocation Platform
21 facilities in 18 markets. Carrier-neutral connections to 700 other networks. 150,000 square feet of billable space.

Ideal Customer Profile
Disaster Recovery
Education, Engineering
Media Content

Notes in Plain English:

Zayo is typically the price leader in buildings where they already are.  For a global competitor, they are the price leader – but in this case you have some smaller competitors that are undercutting them.  

The truth is, their backbone is more solid than a smaller carrier, but the chance of outage for both services is so small the advantage is negligible.  The real burden would be a company-wide outage – at which Zayo would most likely recover faster – but any company presented here would have multiple fail safes to minimize the risk.

COAX: Quoted Bandwidth Price
200MB x 10MB

Last Mile Provider: Spectrum/Coax
$64.99 Monthly

$99 One Time
600MB x 35MB

Last Mile Provider: Spectrum/Coax

$114.99 Monthly

$99 One Time
1 Gig x 35MB

Last Mile Provider: Spectrum/Coax
$249.99 Monthly

$99 One Time

Broadband Services

Month-to-Month pricing.Serviceability: ORANGE-indicates higher uncertainty for serviceability because of the distance from the plant. Most likely there will be a higher installation cost compared to the yellow (possible construction cost).A Site Survey should be requested. Survey launched upon order.Additional MRC:1 Static IP – $14.99, 5 Static IP’s – $24.99,13 Static IP’s – $39.99, 29 Static IP’s – $59.99.Business WiFi – $7.99 – FREE with 1G x 35M

Notes in Plain English:

Spectrum coax is a great 2-network offer under a single brand.  Keep in mind, it’s not perfect – the service departments are separate, so it won’t completely eliminate finger pointing. A smaller concern is that they are the same brand – both networks rarely have an outage that affects them both, however it is not a 0% occurrence, as it has happened before. 

Further, Spectrum is a bigger brand and less likely to get acquired than the smaller companies – however even the large companies get merged from time to time.  If long term stability is worth the extra dollars then this is a good alternative.  Most companies with a small amount of locations in the same metro area will find that Spectrum can typically cover them all, a huge plus.  On the downside, their reliability is lower than more modern connection types that use fiber, so as a primary solution for a large office their Coax isn’t recommended, but it is great for small offices that can be backed up with a mobile phone, or larger offices that have multiple connections.

Notes in Plain English:

Spectrum has competitive pricing more in line with what the market norm is for 2021. As you can see from the other options, Spectrum will usually win with this offer, but it just so happens they’re against a smaller aggressive competitor in Logix.

On the bright side for Spectrum, they also offer the coax under their brand and combined it’s a great 2-network offer under a single brand.  Keep in mind, it’s not perfect – the service departments are separate, so it won’t completely eliminate finger pointing. A smaller concern is that they are the same brand – both networks rarely have an outage that affects them both, however it is not a 0% occurrence, as it has happened before. Further, Spectrum is a bigger brand and less likely to get acquired than the smaller Logix – however even the large companies get merged from time to time.  If long term stability is worth the extra dollars then this is a good alternative to Logix.  Most single site companies would take the best offer – having a single site change brands is less of a hassle than a large multi site migration switching processes mid-implementation.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
200MB x 10MB
Last Mile Provider: Spectrum COAX

ALSO INCLUDES: 4 Handsets with phone service
$410 Monthly

$0 One Time

Broadband Services & Voice

3 YEAR. $410 MRC Includes:
200 MB x 10 MB for INTERNET (Spectrum Broadband), -MSR Router for QOS , 4 UCx Business Seats,
4 VVX 411 or 450 Handsets with AC Adaptors, Auto Attendant.

$0 Upfront for Hardware, Handsets and Professional On-Site Install
*Add 4G for Automatic Mid-Call / Mid-Data Packet FAILOVER for just $115 more per month*
**5 YEAR is $20 lower**

Notes in Plain English:

For companies who want a carrier to do all the work, TPX is a great option.  On paper it’s more expensive, but having one company handle failover via it’s SD WAN box is a great value because it eliminates most other costs that typically would be charged from an in-house IT Consultant.

What we like most about this is the 4g backup with automatic mid-call failover for $115 more per month.  We can also explore adding additional connections from other providers – it handles up to four separate connections (and up to eight with further upgrades, unnecessary in your situation).

Quoted Voice Services Price
Unlimited Long Distance Calling (Nationally)
Web Based Portal
Auto Attendant & Voicemail
Hunt Groups

Handsets: LCD Color Screens
$84.80 Monthly
$0 One-Time

Voice Services

If professional installation is needed it would be a $350 charge.
Term: 3 Year. Taxes not included.
Voice Sub Services Included in MRC:
Anywhere Portal (M), Audio Conferencing (M),Auto Attendant (M), Hosted Voice Employee National with Webex Basic (x4), Hunt Group (M), Voicemail System (M), 4 line phone – Color LCD: Rental (GROUND) $.50 each; after monthly discount $3.25 each, and FusionWorks Voice.

Notes in Plain English:

Hosted Voice services today are quite commoditized.  There is a big problem that they all share – if there is a voice quality issue, it is very hard to get the two companies (the voice company and the internet company) to agree on who’s problem it is.  This leads to nightmares when dealing with service issues.  

That being said, if you can overlook the issues, the functionality is lighty hears ahead of traditional voice services, and new features are added all the time.  

If you’re seriously considering voice services, it’s advised to schedule web-based demos of the systems to make sure they can do what you need – you’ll probably get some ideas that you didn’t realize were possible, too.  

Quoted Voice Services Price
Unlimited Long Distance Calling (Nationally)
Web Based Portal
Auto Attendant & Voicemail
Hunt Groups

Handsets: Yealink T33G
$83.96 Monthly
$0 One-Time

Voice Services

Quote #456511299886
Prepared on: Nov 15, 2021
Expires on: Dec 15, 2021.
Shipping charges not included.
*Totals shown do not include all applicable fees or taxes.
*Hosted Seats include: Unlimited Domestic Calls and Unlimited International Calls to the following countries: Argentina,
Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Germany,
Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Taiwan, UK, US Virgin Islands, Venezuela. USA, Canada, Mexico and India include both fixed and mobile. All other
countries are fixed only.
This quote is subject to the terms and conditions found at
This quote is also subject to a 36 month commitment.

Notes in Plain English:

Hosted Voice services today are quite commoditized.  There is a big problem that they all share – if there is a voice quality issue, it is very hard to get the two companies (the voice company and the internet company) to agree on who’s problem it is.  This leads to nightmares when dealing with service issues.  

That being said, if you can overlook the issues, the functionality is lighty hears ahead of traditional voice services, and new features are added all the time.  

If you’re seriously considering voice services, it’s advised to schedule web-based demos of the systems to make sure they can do what you need – you’ll probably get some ideas that you didn’t realize were possible, too.  

Quoted Voice Services Price
Unlimited Long Distance Calling (Nationally)
Web Based Portal
Auto Attendant & Voicemail
Hunt Groups

Handsets: Yealink T33G
$108.00 Monthly
$262 One-Time

Voice Services

Quote #: Q-534995. Contract Term 24 months ****
Yealink T33G SIP Phone w/power supply NRC Charge $262 (includes 4).
MRC Includes DIDs MRC and UCaaS MRC. MRC does not include taxes. * Taxes are estimated based on the zip code provided and are subject to Local, State, and Federal laws.

Notes in Plain English:

Hosted Voice services today are quite commoditized.  There is a big problem that they all share – if there is a voice quality issue, it is very hard to get the two companies (the voice company and the internet company) to agree on who’s problem it is.  This leads to nightmares when dealing with service issues.  

That being said, if you can overlook the issues, the functionality is lighty hears ahead of traditional voice services, and new features are added all the time.  

If you’re seriously considering voice services, it’s advised to schedule web-based demos of the systems to make sure they can do what you need – you’ll probably get some ideas that you didn’t realize were possible, too.  

Quoted Bandwidth Price
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$500.82 Monthly

$0 One-Time
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Fiber
$580.91 Monthly

$0 One-Time

Fiber Services

MRC quoted to Floor 1. 2&3 Year term;same pricing.
Fiber Fast-reduced install timeframe.

Quoted Bandwidth Price
50MB x 50MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$50 Monthly

$99 One-Time
100MB x 20MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$60 Monthly

$99 One-Time
100MB x 100MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$75 Monthly

$99 One-Time
300MB x 300MB
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$90 Monthly

$99 One-Time
1 Gig x 1 Gig
Last Mile Provider: AT&T Shared U-Verse / DSL
$150 Monthly

$99 One-Time

Broadband Services

Month to Month – 1 Year Verbal Term
Promo pricing effective for 12 Months pricing.
ALL options: $100 AT&T Visa® Reward Card Included
Additional MRC:
8 IPs (5 useable) = $15/month bolt-on
16 IPs (13 useable) = $25/month bolt-on
32 IPs (29 useable) = $30/month bolt-on

The Corporate Sales Pitch (saving you an hour of boring sales meeting time):

HQ: Dallas, TX
260,000+ employees in nearly 60 countries
AT&T is the largest communications company in the U.S.
~3 million businesses, from the largest global companies to small businesses, turn to AT&T.
This includes nearly 2.5 million small business customers.

Services Sold
Internet & Networking
Cloud & Colocation

Elevator Pitch
Businesses large and small, across all industries, are going through a digital transformation journey. AT&T Business is empowering that transformation by connecting the new digital ecosystem with integrated, on-demand network experience.

Key Features and Differentiators
When you choose AT&T, you get a provider with a proven record of quality, service, and innovation.
AT&T is the world’s largest communications company.
The AT&T network carries more than 262 petabytes (PB) of data traffic over its backbone network on an average business day.
AT&T is the largest US-based provider of fiber for business, with 1.1M miles of fiber; 2X the nearest competitor.
AT&T has the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider with calling and texting available in over 225 countries and territories and discounted data coverage in over 200 countries and territories, including LTE speeds in 145+ countries and territories.
AT&T has an IP broadband network covering over 60 million customer locations.
AT&T is the world’s largest TV provider and video distribution leader across TV and broadband services.

Ideal Customer Profile
AT&T offers solutions for businesses large & small, across all industries. AT&T has over 3 million business customers, including nearly all of the fortune 1000 and 2000 of the largest multi-national companies. Single site or multi-site, domestic or international, AT&T has solutions for secure and scalable connectivity for business customers.

Notes in Plain English:

Regarding broadband services, AT&T services are typically more reliable than COAX services but the speeds are slower, albeit with less variation and a more solid connection.  Occasionally you will find AT&T “shared fiber” services, and they have an identical upload and download speed.  For speeds with a slower upload, they are the older DSL technology – still functional, but slower and less reliable than the fiber networks. In your quote’s case, it’s the shared fiber.  

A couple caveats for that shared connection pricing – it’s locked in for a year, but they WILL up the rates similar to a home cable service, so if you’re just switching for the price, don’t count on it staying that way forever.  The Fiber service rate is usually REDUCED over time, incidentally.  The dedicated fiber will have a speed closer to the service, and the shared service speed will fluctuate – but it is a great deal, so depending on your uses it might make sense.  If this is a backup circuit, you should be good to go.  If it’s a primary circuit, it might not be the best fit.

You may be asking, why doesn’t AT&T offer a direct quote when resellers and aggregators are able to do so?  Two things – #1, AT&T’s focus is on the largest of companies and residential.  Most companies outside of the fortune 500 fall outside of their radar.  #2, their tools might be more accurate than aggregators and have therefore chosen to no-bid this opportunity.  This could mean a potential challenge down the road if you choose to use an aggregator for Fiber services, so keep that in mind.

Regarding broadband services, AT&T services are typically more reliable than COAX services but the speeds are slower, albeit with less variation and a more solid connection.  Occasionally you will find AT&T “shared fiber” services, and they have an identical upload and download speed.  For speeds with a slower upload, they are the older DSL technology – still functional, but slower and less reliable than the fiber networks.


First, we want to make sure this is what you were expecting and no changes were needed.  Of course you can always contact us directly and we’ll start working on it, but if you’d prefer you can choose an option below to discuss.  

Secondly, when we DO have what you need dialed in (which hopefully we’re there now, but if not, see above), then really one of four things can happen – 

#1 – You like one of the options and would like to discuss further about getting it going

#2 – You will pull the trigger at a later date due to an outside force (i.e. an upcoming move that’s waiting for a lease to be finalized, etc)

#3 – Things have changed and you no longer need anything at all (i.e. you decided to stay with your current provider or a project that caused this upcoming need was cancelled, etc)

#4 – You have some new needs and we need to tweak things

When any of those things happen, let us know and we’ll handle things accordingly. If you’d like to talk on the phone, we can do that. If you just want a quick chat, we can do that. If you want to schedule a meeting, we can do that. If you want to email, we can do that. Regardless, we just want to make things easier for you.  If we’ve missed something make sure to let us know so we can fix it ASAP.  

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We look forward to working with you.
